The Modern .NET Show

Contact Us

Do you have a comment about or a suggestion for the show? Perhaps you have a question or topic idea for the show.

Would you like to discuss placing an ad into the show or sponsor an entire episode? Get in touch below.

Feel free to use the following contact form to reach out, and we will get back to you. Let us know how to contact you (via email or Twitter), and we’ll get back to you about your question or comment.

We need an identifier or handle for you, should we read your comment out on the show. This will only be used to read your comment out on the show

This is NOT required for you to send a comment. However, should you wish to open a dialogue, we will need a way to contact you. If you'd rather not leave an email, please mention a way to contact you in your message

Feel free to be as detailed as you would like. Please explicitly state whether you would like your identifier/handle read our on the show or not. Please be aware that this has a maximum length of 1000 characters.

Checking this box allows us to read out your name/handle on the show when discussing your comment or message.

Checking this box will ensure that your data is deleted (in line with our privacy policy after we have dealt with your message.
This will mean that your message/comment will not be read out on the show.

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